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Voluntary Return and Reintegration Project for Senegalese Abroad

Main objective :

Facilitate the voluntary return and socio-economic integration of Senegalese migrants from Europe.

Since 2011, the Reception Point for Refugees and Immigrants (PARI) has been working in partnership with institutions and Non-Governmental Organizations in favor of Senegalese migrants established in Europe.

Institutions like ERSO, FEDASIL, Caritas Belgium, Vluchtelingenwerk, ...

For more than ten (10) years

Since 2011, the Reception Point for Refugees and Immigrants (PARI) has been working in partnership with institutions and Non-Governmental Organizations in favor of Senegalese migrants established in Europe.

Institutions like ERSO, FEDASIL, Caritas Belgium, Vluchtelingenwerk, ...

For more than ten (10) years, the Reception Point for Refugees and Immigrants (PARI) has been developing socio-economic integration activities for Senegalese migrants and even from the West African sub-region. These activities are carried out in coordination with European and national partners. It is:

  1. Establishment of direct contact with applicants to prepare and succeed in voluntary return

  2. Establishment of business plan

  3. Reception, Accommodation, Direct meeting with voluntary return migrants

  4. Financing and monitoring of the socio-economic integration of migrants.

  5. Many other activities are developed by LE PARI with its technical and financial partners in order to support migrants returning from Europe to successfully integrate and participate in the development of their country.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

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